Monday, August 17, 2015

2nd Annual Parsha and Popsicles in the park!

We hit our 250 person bench mark again this year with a buzz of excitement surrounding the park! We were so fortunate to have so many new and old faces in the crowd, some that came last year and were back for more, and others that missed out last year were eager to join in the fun!

Once again the popsicles and all of the climbing apparatuses were huge hits, and this year the kids got to hear from Rabbi Silver, who gave a wonderful D'var Torah. Looking forward, we are happy to have such full Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur babysitting programs, and for other exciting events that are coming up as well! As always, if you know of someone who is new to the community, or not yet on the YISE youth mailing list, please have them email me at so that they can stay up to date on future activities!