Sunday, August 17, 2014

Parsha and Popsicles in the Park

Parsha and Popsicles in the Park was a huge success. With over 250 people pouring into the park, we had a terrific ending to our summer events calendar!!! Children of all ages gathered in the park to play on the playground, showing off speed and agility on the slides and monkey bars. Young children could be heard giggling as parents pushed them on swings. Older kids were at their best when using imaginative play to act out the roles of their favorite super heroes. However, the main event started at 5:15pm, when the children followed the scent of popsicles into a shaded area in the park. 

 Every child gathered around calmly, waited patiently as the popsicles were handed out, and all said a bracha together. It was really a beautiful sight to see. Everybody adhered to the saying "you get what you get, and you don't get upset".  This was a true testament to the fine middot of the children in our community, and the wonderful job that our parents and teachers have done to help them learn to be mentsches. Once all of the popsicles were handed out, the children sat quietly and listened attentively as Rabbi Rosenbaum shared words of Torah about Parshat Eikev. The children were engaged, did a fantastic job of answering questions, and shared their thoughts on ways to be thankful to Hashem.  To top off this great event, when looking around at the ground, I did not find a single piece of trash! Yasher Koach to all of the children who did their part to keep our park clean.

I look forward to seeing all of you, and many more people out at our first event of the school (calendar) year on September 7th, as we will be meeting at Butler's Orchard for some Pre-Rosh Hashana Apple picking, and a shofar blowing contest (BYOS/Bring Your Own Shofar).

Brett Kugler
YISE Youth Director