Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Midrash, Manicures, and Milkshakes!!!

MIDRASH, MANICURES, AND MILKSHAKES!!!!!! What a huge success this event was for all parties! With 130 spots available, this event sold out 2 weeks in advance by girls/ladies from a variety of shuls and schools in the area. Upon arrival, the girls walked into the social hall, greeted by the relaxing and soulful music of Chaim Lanzbom and Yosef Karduner.

Once all guests arrived, Mrs. Zakem gave over inspiring words of Torah that were pertinent to the weeks parsha.  Following the beautiful Torah thoughts shared, everyone began to select their nail polish colors. Each person took out the complementary emory boards, shaped their nails, and started painting. Friends, mothers and daughters, and sisters, each took turns, working meticulously to ensure that they did a nice job. For those that were interested, Aviva and Yael Miller also brought their own materials, and painted other people’s nails. Parents shared that they overheard their daughters saying things such as “it was so much fun” and "We should do this every Saturday night"!

As the socializing and nail painting carried on, blenders were fired up, and 4 varieties of milkshakes were personally delivered to each person. While there were certainly many people sharing how delicious they were, the smiles on faces of each person were more than enough to confirm that we had created a tasty motzei shabbos treat!  Once all the nail polish dried, Ben Yehuda pizza was delivered, and the dining experience was complete!

I would like to give a tremendous thank you to everyone that came out for the event, to Mrs. Zakem for speaking, to Becca Kugler, Menucha Wolfe, Bassie Katz, Allison Lazar, and Adina Obstfeld for helping to make milk shakes and run the “box office”, to Barbara Price for being the mashgiach and helping with the milkshakes (plus setup and cleanup), to Debbie Unger for taking pictures, to Yael and Aviva Miller for donating their time to paint nails, to the custodial staff for setup and cleanup, to the entire office staff for helping me to purchase and store materials, and to Ben Yehuda Pizza.  We were also thrilled that at the end of the event, we were able to donate the leftover nail polish remover and emory boards to the Mikvah Emunah Society.

This event had an amazing turnout, and we look forward to continuing to create and provide exciting events for the community!