Once we finished picking apples, we drove a little further into the orchard, where they have a large field and picnic area set up, large playground equipment, and big slides with burlap mats for kids to slide down. Parents and children were in for a treat as we started off our activities with a few words from Rabbi Silver. Everyone learned a little bit about Rosh Hashana, and then we had an activity. Each family that came received a special YISE Youth apple cookbook, which had 5 delicious apple recipes. The kids had to decide which recipe that they wanted to make with their mommy and daddy for Rosh Hashanah, but they weren’t allowed to tell their parents which one they chose. Then the parents lined up back to back with their kids, and each recipe was called out. Parents and kids had to (without looking) stand at that recipe, and see if the parents could guess which recipe was their son or daughter’s favorite.
Next we moved on to our shofar blowing contest! It was quite evident that our kids had been practicing for weeks because we had some amazing tekiah gedolah blasts!!! Everybody’s neshamot were awoken by the sounds of the shofar, and surely everyone was reminded that the New Year was coming! The top two finishers won gift cards to The Candy Man, and all of the kids got a prize for being such great participants.
Upon completion of our activities, the children dispersed to the playground. Some climbed on the wooden ark, others on the train, and another group made their way over to the giant slides, using burlap sacks to slide down the hill! Families ended off a beautiful day by joining together for a picnic lunch.
Looking ahead, the YISE Youth department has a busy schedule. In the coming weeks, we will have our annual Sukkah Hop, the Youth Simchat Torah Kiddush (still accepting donations), and a middle and high school visit to the University of Maryland Astronomy Observatory, to learn about Rosh Chodesh from Astronomer, Dr. Jeremy Schnittman, and to view the moon through high powered telescopes!